One of the current projects being developed by Planetree Adventure combines Johannah’s passion for the outdoors, experiential learning and the Primary school curriculum.


 Johannah is a qualified Primary school teacher, with nearly ten year’s experience, and an outdoor pursuit’s instructor. She is currently working with several primary schools in her area, creating tailor made packages covering all areas of the curriculum. She combines experiential learning practices and personal development skills with many aspects of the national curriculum, to create fun dynamic learning environments, both on and off the school grounds.


 The latest project focuses around the outdoor learning curriculum and transferring skills developed within these sessions back into the classroom and into life. We are offering schools unique packages that teach many skills of navigation (Journeying), camp craft, team building, and orienteering. The aim is to allow the children to feel safe and secure whilst exploring their local environment, combining local history, geography, and respect and appreciation of wildlife. We believe that almost every aspect of the national curriculum can be accessed through the medium of the outdoors. These projects fulfil many of the requirements of the syllabus; therefore these packages need not detract precious time away from the National Curriculum. Classroom teachers and Planetree staff can develop schemes of work that are integrated with on-going school projects. These sessions can be done in blocks or throughout the term.


 At Planetree Adventure we have the resources to create a classroom environment in many different locations with our large portable tipi and 9 seater Land Rover. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience and we feel that our husband and wife team combines a host of skills that make for unforgettable learning experiences for children.


 We are also proud of the continual work we do with Flintshire’s Most Able and Talented groups. This on-going project combines hill walking, navigation, problem solving, local history and team building. These projects have been very successful in the past and we enjoy the development of this project. We have also created events for the ‘Transition Days’, in our local High schools, providing team building sessions for primary school children, as an introduction to their high school life.


 Dave and Jo also work successfully with inclusion groups, in and out of the area. The work done in this area is rewarding and we are aware of real breakthroughs regarding attitudes and behaviour. We allow confidence to grow, and individuals regarded as difficult or unmotivated often leave with a sense of pride and achievement.


In recent years, Johannah has grown her personal practice and developed her work in the well being arena. Johannah is very happy to share her years of practice as a firewalking instructor and motivational speaker. Have a look at the Firebration page to learn more.

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